推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


  The internal or external consciousness is defined by whether it can perceive or not perceive the six sense-objects. The six sense-consciousnesses, or consciousness skandhas, are the consciousnesses which can perceive the six sense-objects, and only reside in the inner supreme sense-organs; they can perceive only the internal six-entrances, not the external ones directly, and therefore they are the internal consciousnesses which can only reside in the five aggregates. However, never perceiving the internal six-entrances, the basic consciousness, or embryo-dwelling consciousness, can touch the external ones directly through the five sense-organs instead, and thus it is called the external consciousness. Nevertheless, the external consciousness can not understand and perceive the internal or external six-sense-objects, but only transforms the external six-entrances into the internal ones directly for the internal consciousness (six sense-consciousnesses) to perceive, so it is called the external consciousness accordingly.
  The Correct Meanings of “The Agama Sutras”, Vol. 5
标签: 电子书

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