推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


  The Alaya consciousness has identical situation. It is the pureseed-nature of everyTathagata and is always defiled at the stage of ordinary people.After havingrealized it, bodhisattvas eliminate all habitual tendencies, andthey always treasurethe entity of Alaya consciousness even after having attainedbuddhahood.
  The Mahayana Secret Magnificent Sutra,Vol.3
  The internal consciousness or external consciousness is definedaccording to itsarising-and-ceasing or everlasting nature, respectively. Anyeverlasting mind ownedby sentient beings for one lifetime does not disappear afterabandoning the karmicbody, and it can give rebirth to another life by entering the embryoor give rebirth toanother life in heavenly realm to continue existing. It can touchthe external dharmaand exists continuously, and is therefore named externalconsciousness.
  It is for only one lifetime that the external consciousness is ownedby theconsciousness-aggregate. The six consciousnesses of theconsciousness-aggregate ,which own the external consciousness , will disappear at death ;however, the externalconsciousness does not disappear , and it will give rebirth toanother life to continueexisting.
  The external consciousness can touch the external six sense-objectsand generate theinternal six sense-objects,and continuously exists in thethree-realms (tridhatus) andnever disappears , so it is named external consciousness.
  The six consciousnesses of the consciousness-aggregate ,which ownthe externalconsciousness, can exist for only one lifetime, and can not bereborn in the nextlifetime, i.e. ,it can not continue to exist in another place in thenext lifetime .None of the six consciousnesses of the consciousness-aggregate cantouch the externalsix entrances ; the consciousness-aggregate always dwells in thefive aggregates andcan only touch the internal six sense-objects.Therefore, it is namedinternalconsciousness.
  The Correct Meanings of The Agama Sutras, Vol.5
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