推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


  The eye-root always desires the lovely sight and dislikes thedispleasing sight. The ear-root always desires the pleasing soundand dislikes the displeasing sound. The nose-root always desires thepleasing smell and dislikes the displeasing smell. The tongue-rootalways desires the pleasing taste and dislikes the displeasingtaste. The body-root always desires the pleasing touch and dislikesthe displeasing touch. The root of the conscious mind [Manas] alwaysdesires the pleasing mental object and dislikes the displeasingmental object. Each of the six sense-roots, which has its ownfunctionality field and state, does not desire other sense-roots’states.
  Samyukta-Agama Sutra, Vol. 43
  If one does not understand the six internal sense-entrances, cannotface the attachment to the six internal sense-entrances to eliminateit, and merely eliminates the attachment to the six externalsense-entrances, what he eliminates is only the attachment toexternal belongings, not the self-attachment. It is because the sixexternal sense-entrances are external belongings, but the sixinternal sense-entrances are internal dharmas included in the selfof five aggregates (skandhas) and belong to the self-attachment.
  The Correct Meanings of The Agama Sutras, Vol. 1
标签: 电子书

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