推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


  With the condition of eyes’ seeing the visual object, there arisesthe internal sensation: suffering, pleasure, or neither sufferingnor pleasure; it is in the same way for ears, nose, tongue, andbody, and with the condition of Manas’ [root of the conscious mind]contacting the mental object, there arises the internal sensation:suffering, pleasure, or neither suffering nor pleasure. Bhiksus!Therefore, one should know from those sense-entrances: theperception of visual object will leave away if the eyes cease; it isin the same way for ears, nose, tongue and body, and the perceptionof mental object will leave away if the Manas ceases.
  Samyukta-Agama Sutra, Vol. 8
  If one can precisely ponder and witness the six sense-roots, the sixsense-objects, the six vijnanas [six sense-consciousnesses] and thesix sense-entrances being all illusory, truly eliminate self-view,and turn to the Mahayana dharma to contemplate Chan, he will notfall into thevijnana-skandhaor the self-nature of six vijnanas of non-Buddhists with view ofself-nature, especially not falling into the thoughtless pristineawareness of consciousness again. Staying away from the scope of sixvijnanas, he will be able to contemplate Chan and it will be easierfor him to realize the mental entity of the Tathagatagarbha.
  The Correct Meanings of The Agama Sutras, Vol. 1
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