推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


虽摄一切众生, 而不爱著,是菩萨行。
  Although a bodhisattva benefits and guides allsentient beings, he or she has no attachment to
  them. This is the Bodhisattva practice.
  Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
  After a bodhisattva becomes enlightened, eliminating hisor her self-attachment is not the first priority. Instead,the focus is on eliminating habitual vexations and onacquiring a thorough understanding of prajna[transmundane wisdom]. The purpose of not eliminatingself-attachment is to allow a bodhisattva to benefit andguide sentient beings life after life (for the infinite future
  lives, the bodhisattva does not enter remainderlessnirvana but widely develops relationship with sentientbeings through the Buddha dharma), thereby building uphis or her own future Buddha land when the bodhisattvabecomes a Buddha. However, in the course ofbenefitting and guiding all sentient beings, a bodhisattvadoes not develop greed for or attachment towardssentient beings. If greed or attachment develops in theprocess of benefiting and guiding sentient beings, thenthe bodhisattva has fallen into the desire for followers[the wish to have many followers] and cannot build uphis or her future Buddha land.
  A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p.15
  ◎ “佛法只有一种,不可能有所演变;十方诸佛是一体的,三宝是一体的,没有哪一个三宝中的凡夫僧宝或者胜义僧宝可以自高于三宝之上。”假使有人把自己拉抬到三宝之上而传授四归依,我向你保证,那一定是外道,从来都不曾真的知道佛法。即使他已在佛门中剃发出家、受具足戒了,还是一个外道,因为他是心外求法,根本不懂三宝的真义。
  平实导师著,《胜鬘经讲记》第三辑,正智出版社,2009 年3 月初版首刷,页307。
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