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  《维摩诘所说经》卷 2
  The Dharma can not see, hear, feel, or know. If it is a dharma that sees, hears, feels, or knows, then it is seeing, hearing, feeling, or knowing, and not the Dharma to be sought.
  Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 2
  《维摩诘经讲记》第四辑,页 98
  Therefore, after one is said to have attained enlightenment, one ought to examine whether the true mind to which one has been enlightened is able to see, hear, feel, or know the six sense-objects. If it can see, hear, feel, or know the six sense-objects, then it is a functional dharma of seeing, hearing, feeling, or knowing, and is thus not the real Dharma. Those who seek the real Dharma are looking for the true mind which does not see, hear, feel, or know the six sense-objects.
  A Discourse on the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4, p. 98
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