推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


  The profound meaning stated in the Noble Truths is extremely subtle, hard to understand, and does not pertain to thinking. It is known by the wise and yet worldly beings are not even able to believe it. Why? Because it addresses the profound store of Tathagata. The tathagatagarbha is the state of the Tathagata; it is not known by sravakas or pratvekabuddhas.
  The Lion’s Roar of Queen Srimala, the Single-Vehicle Great Expedience, the Corrective and Extensive Sutra
  [Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra]
  Therefore, only those practitioners who have realized the transmundane fruitions as well as those bodhisattvas with keen wisdom will believe in this wondrous meaning of the root vijnana, the tathagatagarbha. None of the masses, within or outside the Buddhist community, will believe in it. Hence, when the Buddha preached in the second round of dharma transmission that all sentient beings are inherently in nirvana and intrinsically pure, all arhats believed it but not those who had not attained fruitions and yet erroneously claimed to be enlightened.
  A Discourse on the Srimaladevi Simhanada Sutra
  Vol.4, p.45
标签: 电子书

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