推广 热搜: 如来藏  三摩地  十八界  中阴身  心经  陀罗尼  明心  十信位  意根  公案 


  You should know, Kasyapa, that the Tathāgata is the king of the Dharma. Nothing he teaches is untrue. Hepreaches all the teachings with wisdom and skillfulmeans. All that he teaches leads to the state ofomniscience. The Tathāgata sees and knows thedestination of all dharmas and understands withouthindrance the deepest mental activities of all sentientbeings. Moreover, having the most thoroughunderstanding of all dharmas, he reveals to sentientbeings his all-encompassing wisdom.
  The Lotus Sutra
  Translation of the scriptural passage is based upon the rendition ofGene Reeves, The Lotus Sutra: A Contemporary Translation of a Buddhist Classics, (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2008), 159.
  Therefore,any Buddha who manifests his attainment of Buddhahood and preaches the Dharma in the human world must reveal and expound all contents of the Buddha Bodhi to complete his mission of guiding and liberating sentient beings; only then can he display the entering of nirvana. Could it be possible that a Buddha does not have the wisdom to determine what to teach on what occasion and when his teaching as a Buddha is complete? This is, of course, impossible! Therefore, those who assert that “the Mahayana teachings were not taught by the Buddha” not only do not understand the Mahayana teachings, but also are merely unenlightened ordinary beings. They certainly do not understand the teachings regarding the path to attain arhatship, so they should also be called “fools.”
  A Discourse on the Lotus Sutra,vol.6, pp. 274-275.
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